Monday, November 28, 2011
tak tau malu?
pagi yang indah ni san bangun nak relax2 sebab latihan yang sepatutnya ada pada hari ni ada latihan PALAPES tapi dibatalkan sebabnya taktaulah kenapa.hehe.tapi bagus gak tak ada latihan,boleh relax2 kat bilik or release tension kat mana2..kan2...
semalam san tak pi keja coz nak luangk2kan masa dengan gf.
tapi gf lak cam tak hargai.hahaha.takpa.biaq dia.
tajuk san tu san nak ckp kat sorg hamba ALLAH ni...
dia tak kawan ngn san sejak em lepas gi sebab ada perselisihan faham.
san bawak balik pizza mlm tu,san bagi kawan.....
tiba2 mamat yang tak tegur san,senyum pun tak,jumpa buat taktau n langsung tak bertegur sapalah,mkn pizza san bagi kat kawan san tu.
san terkejutlah.aik...dia ni tak kwn ngn aku tapi dia terkejut la bila mkn pizza aku bagi tu.
nampak san pun proceed mkn gak pizza tu
san tak kisah nak mkn,mknlah dah rezki semua yang ada cuma dia tulah,kalo
camnilah org yang tak tau malu.
kalo lapar tu kwn or lwn,mkn tetap makan.
anda elakkan la ada prangai hodoh cmni.hahhahaha,.
buat malu ja diri sendiri ja..
sedarlah diri.
mcm2 jenis orgkan?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Seven things you should never do on Facebook
1) Never settle for the default settings
The people behind Facebook are keen for you to share your details with the world. The more you share, the more people you connect to, the more people want to sign up. However, sharing everything with all and sundry isn’t a good idea. To check and opt out of the recommended settings, open your Facebook page, click on ‘Account’ in the top right of the screen and then ‘Privacy settings’.
The ‘Recommended settings’ mean that your status, photo, posts, bio, favourite quotation, family and relationship details are shared with everyone. Photos and videos you’re tagged in, religious and political views and birthdays are shared with Friends of friends. Permission to comment on your posts, places you check in to, and contact information are shared with Friends only.
Change all to Friends only, and you’re safe from the prying world.
2) Never agree to have yourself listed on search engines
Telling your Facebook mates what’s going on in your life is one thing, but letting any old Tom, Dick or Harriet see your Facebook page via a web search is another.We would recommend opting to never have your Facebook details shared with other search engines.
To make sure you aren’t go to your Facebook page, ‘Account’, ‘Privacy Settings’, ‘Apps and websites’, then ‘Public Search’. De-tick the ‘Enable Public Search’ button.
3) Never put your address and phone number on Facebook
Unless you want app developers knowing where you live and how to contact you we wouldn’t recommend putting any real details in to Facebook for the time being. That means no home address and no phone number.
4) Never let apps lie dormant
One for the advanced Facebook user: Never let an app continue to suck your information once you’ve done with it.Remember the days when you played Zombies or maybe Vampires? Well those apps are most likely still active on your account and sucking in your personal data. Scary, huh?
Nip over to your Facebook page, go to ‘Account’, ‘Privacy Setting’ and then ‘Apps, games and websites’, and remove the ones you don’t want.
5) Never let your mum see your tagged photos
You’ve had one too many drinks and been tagged for all your friends, colleagues and family to see you not looking too hot. Not good. To avoid this, go to your Facebook page, ‘Account’, ‘Privacy Settings’, and make sure Photos and videos you’re tagged in is set to Friends only.
Taking this to the next level, you can also block individual people on top of those groups of people. Go to ‘Customise settings’, ‘Photos and videos I’m tagged in’ and chose to edit settings. Here from the drop-down menu chose ‘customise’ again and then start listing the people you want to hide your photos from.
6) Never give out your date of birth
What’s one of the first security questions you are ever asked when you deal with your bank? What’s your date of birth? And yet here you are giving it away on your Facebook page for all to see. You should never let people see the year you were born.
Go to your Facebook page, ‘Profile’, then ‘Edit profile’. In the first pane (‘Basic information’) chose as to whether you want to ‘Show my full date of birth in my Profile’, ‘Show only day and month in my Profile’ or ‘Don’t show my birthday in my profile’. If you still want birthday wishes go for the second option.
7) Never broadcast that you’re going on holiday
Always be careful about what you say on your status updates and never give out any personal information that you don’t want getting into the wrong hands.
Burglars prey on stuff like the fact that you’ve gone on holiday and left the keys under the flowerpot near the front door and the combination to the saf:e is…
p/s:Source from Yahoo! News
Friday, February 11, 2011
Latihan bermula,bahang semakin terasa.

Pertma kali turun berlatih untuk Kejohanan Perahu Panjang Terbuka Putrajaya.6 rounds San kena habiskan.waa...dah lama xlari...xjogging...kena 6..sakit la otot2.huhhuhuh

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Hadiah dari Dashing~
kenal x sapa?haa...nilah Remy Ishak.San jumpak kat Sogo ada Dashing tour,diakan duta tuk barangan berjenama ni.San ikut kakak kat bawah ni la.yg bawak keta yg bertudung ni,nama dia Jannah or San panggil Kak Yang,yg sorang lagi kwn dia....xpasti nama...xknal sgt.enjoy la pic ni ya.sekadar berkongsi..
p/s:...Semua pic menggunakan SLR Canon San....kamera buruk ja...huhhuhuh
Friday, January 28, 2011
Kawan kecil San diwaktu cuti
apa khabar?
rindu San x?hahahha.....gurau saja!.
San nak memperkenalkan kat semua kawan sementara San masa cuti San ni,San xbalik Kedah.So,kawan san ni ambek kesempatan kat San mintak tolong San jaga.Xpa.San xdak hal.Leh ja.
nama kawan San ni Amira Anis Ahmad atau nama panggilan beliau A'a.
nak tengok FB n berkenalan ngan beliau?ni link dia......
Klik sini>>>>.
Jangan malu2 nak berkenalan ngan beliau.Beliau ni suka berkawan.uhuhuu
Pantun istimewa untuk Mantop a.k.a Dripy:
Mantop a.k.a Dripy nama diberi,
Seekor kura-kura yang disayangi,
Marilah kita mengasihi dan janganlah membenci,
Kerana ia milik Maha Pencipta yg abadi.
p/s: Lepas cuti sem ni San bagi balik kat tuannya.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
King of Anything~Sara Bareilles
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Keep drinkin' coffee
Stare me down across the table
While I look outside
So many things I'd say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet
And count the cars that pass by
You've got opinions, man
We're all entitled to 'em
But I never asked
So let me thank you for time
And try to not waste any more of mine
Get out of here fast
I hate to break it to you babe
But I'm not drowning
There's no one here to save
Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
You sound so innocent
All full of good intent
You swear you know best
But you expect me to
Jump up on board with you
Ride off into your dellusional sunset
I'm not the one who's lost
With no direction oh
But you won't ever see
You're so busy makin' maps
With my name on them in all caps
You got the talkin' down just not the listening
And who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything
All my life
I've tried
To make everybody happy while I
Just hurt
And hide
Waitin' for someone to tell me it's my turn
To decide
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything
Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything
Let me hold your crown, babe
Oh oh

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Saya pelajar UKM


Salam.hai apa khabar kwn2.yg xkenal lagi san ni slmat berkenalan,yg dah kenal, slamat bertemu kembali.Arini san nak kongsi sal apa ya?ok....jalan2 tengok blog org san tertengoklah blog ni...>Klik tangni.Ada contest tuk pelajar universiti awam,kalo anda nak join pon leh.join ja.xkena duit pon cuma perlukan komitmen ja.hehe
Ok.meh san ceta serba skit sal san.
Institusi:Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(Kampus Bangi)
Kursus:Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengajian Bahasa Inggeris
Fakulti:Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusian
Sesi Pengajian:2009/2010
Tahun Pengajian:2
Tamat Pengajian:2012(InsyaALLAH,doakan san
ni jalah yg san nak kongsi.jumpak lagi ya.Jgn lupa san ya!hehehe
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
mi sedaap....sedap.....!
kembali lagi...waa....bestnya tarikh hari ni.lawa la..
susahkan nak dapt cmni?san sukalah.anda suka x?
hari ni san nak kongsi san mkn apa ja..seperi yg imej kat ats ni,haaa...nilah menu of the day san,mkn megi ja.sedaaaaaapppp o..
bukan san nak promote Mi Sedaap tu....xdapt duet pon nak promosi mkanan org.hehe.
san mkn tu ja arini,
tadi pinjam heater dari atikah (klik untuk link fb dia)
dia xguna heater,so dia pinjamkan kat san la...tq ika!.kwn san ada sorg dia demam,san harap dia cepat sembuh seperti normalnya,kwn san tu ada dua nama tapi nama dia disingkatkan jadi a**.....xtaulah sapa diakan.huhhu..sian dia.papon ,san slaloo doakan keshatan n kesejahteraan dia.amin.
eh2,xlupa gak kat rakan2 blogger san ni.smoga ceria2 slaloo.k!.xsusah pon nak doa kat org,harini kita uat baik ngan org,sok org buat baik ngn kita lak,ingat tu!.k.
san nak siap2....nak masuk isyak dah ni,moh kita pi masjid UKM sana.jum2..
salam,jumpak lagik.